Saturday, August 25, 2007

Do you think???

Do you sometimes wonder what God has in store for you when things are just not going right and things are falling apart around your ears? I have thought about this all year. Yes, this year has been a real stinker and the worst so my short life of 47 years :-). I know adversity is supposed to make you stronger but there are times when I think, "Okay God....What gives????" I know God has a plan for my life and that I am to touch many lives in one way or another.

So far this year I have lost my job of 13 years, Sarah has been very ill, Daddy was diagnosed with prostate cancer and then had to have a stent put into a blocked artery then started radiation therapy, Ivan (father-in-law) was diagnosed with leukemia (which is in remission right now), Shirley (mother-in-law) is getting worse with her dementia, Tiffany (Missy's sister-in-law) passed away, along with a multitude of other problems....

But, things are looking up!!!! My online business has picked up and seems to be speeding along!!! To which I am extremely grateful! My coach, Scott, has given me many ideas to pursue to make my business grow even quicker. And it all involves photography! How cool is that?!?! One of my most favorite things to do!!! God is blessing........

Blessings to all....

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