Monday, December 7, 2009


While Sarah was home over Thanksgiving, she took this picture of Mason (at the top). Isn't he just angelic? I could just eat him up, he is just so darn cute!! I am not a bit biased either!!!

Sarah is doing better and getting well. She texted me this morning and said she was going to the gym to run, so she must be feeling much, much better! It is amazing how much your body can heal in such a short time.

Crops are slowly coming off...another 50+ acres of corn and we will be DONE!!! Thank God! This has been the longest harvest season I think we have ever had. Between Ran being off sick with kidneystones and Sarah in the hospital with infection.... The field he is in now is doing exceptionally well. He is getting 230+ bushels to the acre! He can only go half way around the field and has to dump the corn into the cart! Too cool!!

Well, lunch is over so I gotta run.
