Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We did 54 quarts of corn tonight! Actually with what Missy and Joe took home we did about 64 quarts of corn, that we cut off the cob, that is.. Don't ask how much we ate! Or how much found its way on the ground, the table, and pretty much all over us!! LOLOL I finally had to go and wash my glasses cause Missy was cutting (or should I say mashing) her corn off the cob with a dull knife and was spraying me constantly with corn juice! LOLOL We kept giving her a hard time! We ended up giving Missy a bunch of corn we had already "skinned" as Renee would call it. We finally finished up about 9:40, thank goodness.

I am starting to freak out over my interview tomorrow...I hate interviews with four or more people who give you situations and you have to tell them how you would handle it. urgh! It is a necessary evil I guess....


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