Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Interview!

I have another interview on Thursday with MVNU at the Polaris campus for a part-time secretary/receptionist...I know, I know...been there done that and moved on up, but now I have been dropped and need to pick myself back up and pull myself up by the bootstraps and keep going! Hubby has an interview on Wednesday too! We will have to wait and see what they offer him whether or not he takes it. Just pray it will be good!! He really needs a break. This heat has been killing him! He comes in just completely exhausted. Sarah came in today from practice with a migraine and had it all day. She is feeling a bit better now and was able to go to bed without it. She is supposed to hang out with some of her friends tomorrow night. Her one friend just had an accident a couple of weeks ago where one of his relatives was killed when his motorcycle hit his truck at a high speed after he had pulled out of his driveway. He was pretty devistated. I just hope and pray that they don't actually pursue charges. The poor guy is a senior in high school and going to have to live with that the rest of his life. It would be bad enough if it had been a stranger, but his own relative! I can only imagine how hard that is to live with. Pray for him if you will please.


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