Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, as interviews go, it went well....I thought. But, most of the interviews I have had I thought went well, too!! I am not holding my breath on this one. If God sees fit to give it to me then I am blessed, if not...I am still blessed because it wasn't the right job for me!! I am waiting for God to bless my business at the right time and it will take off like gang busters and I won't have to work outside the home....It can happen!!! I have faith!!!

Went to Sarah's MBC Awards banquet last night down at Miller's in Newark. Awesome food! She received 1st Team in volleyball and got a nice medal. Her boyfriend's MOAC awards banquet was Sunday evening and he received Player of the Year and best Offensive Player. He is an awesome athlete.

Randy has finally started combining again after 17 days sitting waiting for the grain elevators to start taking in more grain. It has been so frustrating for him. He has bills due and can't get anywhere because nobody was taking in corn. The one's that were, the trucks had to sit for 3-4 hours just to dump and nobody wanted to haul because of that. They emptied out his grain bin on Saturday and he ran all day Sunday and Monday and now the bin is full again!! Yea!! As soon as it is dry he will start hauling it out again. I think the bin holds 6,000 bushels of corn. He has about 60 more acres to combine. God has really blessed us this year with me being off work and my unemployment running out, we haven't missed a payment on anything. Thank God!!!!


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