Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wow! What a month this has been!!

Well, I know I haven't been on here much for a quite a while now...almost as bad as my daughter! Ha! Ha! Sorry Missy!! But figured I needed to update my age since I have had a birthday...awwww another year closer to 50! Ran hits 50 this year so I will have to have a big party for him. Can't wait!! I have had a time for over a month now with this nasty cold thing that has been going around. I also took a tumble here at home and kind of messed up my knee, hip and rib cage on the left side. Nothing like slipping on ice and coming down hard on your knee and ramming every thing up into your hip, bouncing off your hip and landing on your ribs! I bounce pretty good! LOLOLO!!! I still can't figure out my landings...having trouble with those! Ran said he was going to buy me a walker and a skooter...then busted out laughing! What a booger!

We had over 20 inches of snow last week. It was pretty but very dangerous to drive in. The week before we had a huge ice storm. Check out my picture of our maple tree at the top of the page. I am hoping spring is around the corner! I am ready to start planting in the garden!!

Pray for my mom. She is having a lot of severe pain in her neck again and had to go have an MRI done today. She is afraid she will have to have surgery again. But if it will fix her and take away the pain it would be worth it. It just continually gets worse and worse and she has to take more and more pain meds and that isn't good! Her brother Raymond is having a lot of problems too, so keep him inn your prayers too.

Gotta run...Blessings....

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