Friday, December 14, 2007

Trying to stay positive...

I have been doing some soul searching and find myself wanting....What do I want in my life? What are my goals? Am I really doing everying that I need to be doing to find a job? Am I still a positive person? I have really been struggling to stay positive. It has been almost a year since I lost my job of 13 years. Since being let go, I have questioned "WHY?" "WHY ME?" How can I change this into a positive? I have put in 200+ applications since January of this year. Out of those applications I have only had a handful of interviews. The market is flooded with out of work people. One of the positions I have recently interviewed for received over 300 applications for that one job! This week I have put in 12 applications and wonder if I will get a call at all. Pray for me, please, that I will can get back my positive attitude and stay focused on my goals.

My online business has me focused on my dreams through my dream book. I have set some goals and created a book of what I want to accomplish in my life. If nothing else, this business has had me really take a look at what I want out of life and strive for those goals. If you have lost your dreams, you aren't truly living!


1 comment:

MotherT said...

I'm praying!! It was good to see you and Randy at the Cantata last night!