Monday, December 7, 2009


While Sarah was home over Thanksgiving, she took this picture of Mason (at the top). Isn't he just angelic? I could just eat him up, he is just so darn cute!! I am not a bit biased either!!!

Sarah is doing better and getting well. She texted me this morning and said she was going to the gym to run, so she must be feeling much, much better! It is amazing how much your body can heal in such a short time.

Crops are slowly coming off...another 50+ acres of corn and we will be DONE!!! Thank God! This has been the longest harvest season I think we have ever had. Between Ran being off sick with kidneystones and Sarah in the hospital with infection.... The field he is in now is doing exceptionally well. He is getting 230+ bushels to the acre! He can only go half way around the field and has to dump the corn into the cart! Too cool!!

Well, lunch is over so I gotta run.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

What a cutie pie! Mason was going Trick-or-Treat tonight in Fredericktown. He even has a happy feet dance! I could have just eaten him up! Sent him off with a baggie of suckers, his favorite. He then got a hold of Papaw's cell phone...he loves cell phones!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sr Pictures...

Well a couple of weeks ago I had my first opportunity to take one of Sarah's friend's Sr. pictures. They turned out really good. Check out this one! Her mom said she might have someone else that may be interested in having me take their picture!! This is so cool! I love doing this kind of thing. I just have to figure out how much to charge....
We have been fighting off some kind of nasty bug here at work. There have been two girls that have been off sick over the past two weeks. It is like this people....STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK!!!! It is a pet peeve of mine that when someone is running a fever or coughing up a lung or blowing Niagra out of their nose and they still feel the need to come into work! We have been Cloroxing and Lysolling (is that a word?) everything!! Everywhere you turn people are coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouths. Or they blow their noses, handle their tissue and then open doors, use your pen, touch counters, etc.!!! Ugh!!! Ok, I feel better now that I have vented...
Sarah just stopped in tonight. Sarah, Caitlin and their friend Josh came up to see Katie's volleyball game and since they were close to home they came on up. She came over and introduced us to Josh and picked up a few things she forgot on Sunday when she left to go back to Wright State. I snuck in a box of snacks that she wasn't expecting. :-) That is what Mom's do! She probably won't get to come back home until Thanksgiving. She did her PFATs this week for ROTC and maxed out on everything except her weight. She was 3 pounds shy of the minimum of 125 pounds. She said they will retest in six months.
Well, dragging my behind...fighting this crud too...Blessings to all....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mason at Farm Science Review

Mason had a blast at the Farm Science Review on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. He is sitting in a combine in the picture, just pushing buttons and using the steering wheel! He went all day and was one tired little puppy at the end of the day. He went with his dad, grandpa and great-grandpa. Unfortunately, Grammy didn't get to go! I had been sick all the previous weekend through Tuesday so I had to go to work....:-( But...that was a LOT of walking so maybe it was a good thing I didn't go! LOLOLO

Missy is doing well with her pregnancy and Sarah is getting her thing going at college. So I ain't so bad right now.

I am still canning and freezing. I canned two quarts of pears a couple of days ago and still have about five cabbages to do as well as a bunch of peppers.

Till later....blessings....

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We had Mason's first birthday party today despite the rain. Boy, did he get lots of stuff! It was fun watching him eat his cake and then opening the presents. He really liked the balls. We got him a John Deere Buck scooter. You have to watch the video. He really liked it!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I love being a Grammy!!!

You know that laugh a baby does that just makes you laugh out loud when you hear it? This past weekend we had a cook out for our oldest, Missy and her hubby, Joe for their anniversary...#6!! Anyways, Missy...having a headache...made faces at Mason and shook her head and he just giggled outloud. I love it! Fills my heart with know what I mean?

Over the fourth of July we went camping and Mike and Renee and Mason came over to the campground. We took Mason over to the swings and put him in one and started pushing. At first he was unsure, but the more they pushed him the more he liked it. He would kick his legs and laugh out loud. check out my video!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wow! If I only didn't have to work!

This summer has been busy, busy, busy! We finally got to take off and go camping this past weekend at Mt. Gilead State Park. Check out the link posted for Ohio DNR for different camping information throughout the great state of Ohio! We had awesome weather, ate too much and just plain ole' had a great time!

Mike and Renee brought Mason over on Saturday. He got to ride on a swing for the first time and he loved it! He actually laughed out loud. It was great! I love being a "Grammy!" Can't wait for more to get here! A few more months!!!

Check out Mason playing ball in the grass. You cannot keep shoes on the kid! The hillbilly coming out in him I guess...hahahaha!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

PCHMatch3 Widget

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