Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, she is finally graduated! Although, I am a bit sad......
But, I am so proud of her. She has accomplished a lot in school. A lot more than I ever thought possible. She is one very determined young woman, with a very strong will. My independent child from day one! I can still remember her saying when she was a toddler, "NO! ME DO IT!!" It still brings a smile to my face even though I remember the frustration at the time.

She has done a lot this past year. She was raised in rank in the Airforce Jr. ROTC to Cadet Major. She was again chosen as ambassador to the Knox County Career Center (2nd year). She played varsity volleyball and lettered again. She did indoor track during the winter and placed 8th in the state in long jump. She also did spring track and was voted MVP for the Mid-Buckeye Conference in running events, and the girls team also won the MBC meet!! She received the Marines Distinguised Athlete Award, and was awarded the Wendy's Heisman award for the Knox County Career Center. She does look good in red, doesn't she?!
